festo is an electronic company for those of u who duno
they're holding this event to allow students to showcase they're final year project
held in my sch
there were a total of 9 teams
1st prize-$1000
2nd prize-$750
3rd prize-$500
so i shall summarise abt our project:
we designed a circuit tat helps monitor the aquarium
inform the owner of the water conditions
for eg. the temp's 19 degrees
it's too cold for the fish to survive
it will trigger of a data sent to the transceiver
which will sms the owner of the temp
from there, the owner reply to switch on the heater
same can be done for lights, ph value, water level, chlorine concentration, lights on and off.
mainly for pple who keep expensive fishes and most of the time they"re not at home
most chinese business man believe tat if their fish die
poor business, or low profit
it's not even out in the market yet.
the dark blue thing on top is the transceiver
the main thing tat runs the whole presentation
transmits and receives data
me on the far right
so wat's gona happened is tat we've to present to the 4 judges from festo
and they'll prompt us a few questions to answer
aft everything came the award presentation
starting from 3rd prize-penalty shootout(ite west)
2nd prize-musical fountain(ite central)
and the moment i've been waiting for.
1st prize...drum roll...laser shooting!!(ite west)
wat!?! wat nonsense?!? we lost?!?
our hearts cried foul but it wouldn't help
how did we lost? wat went wrong?
we definitely deserve to win
penalty shootout-2 controllers. 1 controls direction of ball the other controls goalkeeper.
i mite as well play winning eleven
musical fountain-water shooting out wif music
sentosa and suntec have wat. wat the use of presenting wat we have in s'pore.
i pee and whistle at the same time is also called musical fountain rite?
laser shooting-sensors attached to gun and another to moving object
COUNTERSTRIKE has more fun.
how did we still lose? wat were on the judges mind?
our efforts and hard work gone to waste
where's the standard, festo?
devastated but hard luck was all i could say
everyone noes who's the champions.
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