Tuesday, August 12, 2008


school is making me miserable. more readings than ever. nothing much happening, just getting bashed on mass msn convos everynight. why pick on me? pick on gimli. joke sessions make us feel abit better. joe stop gaming, fishing, gyming,,,,, let's go shopping. tomorrow is wednesday night, mambo jumbo anyone up for it? it's going to rain again, have to stop *nua-ing in bed so much. it's getting a little bad for health. secondhand serenade & eskimo joe, go listen. iphone coming out 22aug in singapore, but nothing can beat version 1 lol. laters.

*nua = being like saliva, being soft. haha or lazy.


tee said...

nua muahahaha

stop saliva-ing at home, B. =P

POPTART said...

hehee have fun at ur bday dinner S.