Friday, September 12, 2008

Finished Ghillie Hat!

Hi Guys, Xing shd be happy to know that his ghillie hat is completed!! cost me.... 4x dye cans = $12.... sandbags = free..... badminton net = $7.95, dental floss = old one = free, needle = free.

Total Cost = $19.95

RRP of real ghillie suit = AUD$399.

This is what its meant to be as the whole suit when purchased from a retail store...
This is the closeup when i wear the finished hat.
and this is me in my bathroom LOL

It will work great as u can see, it breaks my outline and when crouched, and with face camo on, i can imagine xing will be pretty hard to spot.....

Still got some leftover dye and sandbags!!!!

Total time taken to make = 12 hours. (including dying and drying, sewing and knotting)
Tell me what u think, xing!

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