Thursday, February 15, 2007

online shopping is good therapy.,

thanks for the vday bubbies (as xing calls it, rather catchy). and with water, the lily is opening out well.

now, i can't understand why when people borrow books from me it doesnt come back. i know you can afford it, but if you wanna borrow from SO MANY PEOPLE as you claim, jolly well know which books you borrowed and RETURN THEM. i don't understand why you keep standing your ground and thinking you are right because when you look at the facts, you aren't. and it really is a stupid lame-arse reason to say you dont know which books are mine. because when you come and pick a whole bag home, i only can remember half the tittles. i don't memorize all the tittles, and i don't remember all the books i've read. say it's my fault i didnt make a list and yes you're damn right it's my fault to think you had a sense of responsibility. here's a tip, put mine in a pile and write my name fucking big on a piece of paper and make sure you know. it's been more than a year you irresponsible people.

on a lighter note as i have been thinking about punchlines,,,

brian: shut the fuck up , or rather "fuck you, shut up."
kylie: LOL/ go and die la, or rather "yes boss."
xing: what the hell.
joe: it's alright man it's alright man. (joe says needs 2x)
zach: huh?
ning: im tired, im hungry.

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